In 2022, about 100,000 Russians received a residence permit in Turkey.

  • Selçuk Hakan İmamoğlu

In 2022, about 100,000 Russians received a residen

According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, in 2022, the largest number of residence permits in Turkey were issued by Russian citizens - 99,898.

This made them the largest group of migrants, accounting for 25% of the total number of foreigners who arrived in the country

Ukrainians are in second place with a share of 8.1%, followed by Iranians (6.5%), Afghans (5.4%) and Iraqis (4.8%).

The main category of arrivals in Turkey are young people aged 20 to 29 years (23.9%).

They most often choose to live in Istanbul (35.4%), Antalya (14.8%) and Ankara (5.4%).